Invited Talks
- 2023-Jan-25: Invited talk at the 20th Annual Advanced Imaging Methods Workshop, UC Berkeley
- 2023-Jan-10: Seminar at Weill Cornell University
- 2022-Nov-30: Precision Medicine Scholar’s day, Columbia Precision Medicine Initiative
- 2022-Oct-07: Seminar at Institute of Neuroinformatic, University of Zurich, Irchel Campus
- 2022-Apr-25: Guest Lecture at MIT course HST.562
- 2022-Jan-19: Advanced Imaging Methods Workshop 2022
- 2021-Mar-10: Guest Lecture at MIT course HST.562
- 2019-Dec-06: The Light Sheet Microscopy Conference : Frankfurt am Main
- 2019-May-15: 25th Annual Kentucky Spinal Cord and Head Injury Research Trust Symposium, Louisville, Kentucky
- 2019-Apr-24: Keynote lecture: Swiss Light-sheet Microscopy Workshop, Irchel Campus, UZH Zürich
- 2019-Apr-17: Biomedical Engineering, Columbia University
- 2019-Feb-03: Neurotechnologies Plenary lecture, SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco
- 2018-Nov-26: Brain Cell 3D Proteomic Map Workshop, NIH Web conference
- 2018-Nov-05: Mutltscale Imaging Seminar, Morgridge Institute for Research, University of Wisconsin - Madison
- 2018-Aug-14: Light sheet microscopy conference, Dresden, Germany
- 2018-Aug-08: EMBO Practical Course - Light sheet microscopy, Dresden, Germany.
- 2018-Mar: Invited participant, NIMH workshop on Cellular Level 3D Coordinate Frameworks for the Human Brain.
- 2018-Mar: Keynote speaker in Light Sheet Microscopy meeting at University of Geneva.
- 2017-Oct: NIMH Bethesda.
- 2017-Apr: Webinar, Biooptics World.
- 2016-Sep: Rockefeller University - Coordinating Global BRAIN Projects meeting.
- 2016-Feb: UC Berkeley
- 2016-Feb: Yale University
- 2016-Jan: Columbia University.
- 2015-Aug: MBL Woodshole.
- 2015-Aug: Microscopy & Microanalysis Meeting Portland.
- 2015-Feb: Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh.
- 2015-Dec: NIH, Bethesda.
- 2014-Nov: SfN 2014.
- 2014-Nov: SfN 2014, Short Course #2: Advances in Brain-scale, Automated Anatomical Techniques.
- 2014-Nov: University of Southern California, Los Angeles.
- 2014-Aug: MIT, Picower Institute for Learning and memory.
- 2014-Aug: Princeton University.
- 2014-May: Karolinska Institute, Stockholm Sweden.
- 2014-May: Segerfalk-Pufendorf Symposium, Lunds University, Sweden.
- 2014-Apr: University of California, Berkeley.
- 2013-Nov: SfN 2013.
- 2013-June: Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). Arlington.
- 2012-Oct: Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine, Berlin.
- 2012-July: University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany.
- 2012-May: Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine, Berlin.
- 2010, April: HHMI Janelia Farm Research Campus, Ashburn, VA.
- 2009-Mar: Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics, Dresden, Germany.
- 2008-Nov: National Institute for Basic Biology, Japan, Nov. 2008.
- 2014-Nov: University of Southern California, Los Angeles.