COLM light sheet microscope for rapid, high-resolution imaging of intact organs

  • US patent for COLM [ USPTO ]
    1. Whole-tissue biopsy phenotyping of three-dimensional tumours reveals patterns of cancer heterogeneity.
      Tanaka N, Kanatani S, Tomer R, Sahlgren C, Kronqvist P , Kaczynska D, Louhivuori L, Kis L,  Lindh C, Mitura P, Stepulak A , Corvigno S, Hartman J, Micke P, Mezheyeuski A, Strell C, Carlson JW , Fernández C, Dahlstrand H, Östman A, Matsumoto K, Wiklund P, Oya M, Miyakawa A, Deisseroth K, Uhlén P.
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    2. Molecular interrogation of hypothalamic organization reveals distinct dopamine neuronal subtypes.
      Romanov RA, Zeisel A, Bakker J, Girach F, Hellysaz A, Tomer R, Alpár A, Mulder J, Clotman F, Keimpema E, Hsueh B, Crow AK, Martens H, Schwindling C, Calvigioni D, Bains JS, Máté Z, Szabó G, Yanagawa Y, Zhang M, Rendeiro A, Farlik M, Uhlén M, Wulff P, Bock C, Broberger C, Deisseroth D, Hökfelt T, Linnarsson S, Horvath TL, Harkany T.
      Nature Neuroscience, AOP (19 Dec 2016). doi:10.1038/nn.4462 [ Pdf ]

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    3. Advanced light microscopy enables rapid mapping of brain structure and function in high resolution.
      Migliori B, Datta MS, Tomer R.
      Laser Focus World, 52, 12, 47-52 (Dec. 2016). [Link] [Pdf] [High-res Fig01Fig02, Fig03, Fig04, Fig05]
    4. SPED light sheet microscopy: fast mapping of biological system structure and function.
      Tomer R, Lovett-Barron M, Kauvar I, Andalman A, Burns VM, Sethuraman S, Grosenick L, Broxton M, Yang S, Deisseroth K.
      Cell. Dec 17, 2015. [ Pdf ]
    5. Intact-Brain Analyses Reveal Distinct Information Carried by SNc Dopamine Subcircuits.
      Lerner TN, Shilyansky C, Davidson TJ, Evans KE, Beier KT, Zalocusky KA, Crow AK, Malenka R, Luo L, Tomer R, Deisseroth K.
      Cell. Jul 30, 2015. [ Pdf ]
    6. Rapid High-resolution Brain Mapping with CLARITY Optimized Light Sheet Microscopy (COLM).
      Tomer R, Deisseroth K.
      Microscopy and Microanalysis. 21(Suppl. 3), pp717-718, 2015. [ Pdf ]
    7. Advanced CLARITY Methods for Rapid and High-Resolution Imaging of Intact Tissues.
      Tomer R, Deisseroth K.
      SfN 2014. [ Pdf ]
    8. Advanced CLARITY for rapid and high-resolution imaging of large intact tissues.
      Tomer R, Ye L, Hseuh B, Lei A, Deisseroth K.
      Nature Protocols. Jul, 2014. [ Pdf ]